Another week has gone by, jam-packed with updates from the influencer marketing community. We’re excited to bring you this week’s recap of the most noteworthy articles and blog posts covering various aspects of influencer marketing. This week’s update features news from Friday, September 30 to Wednesday, October 5.

As always, the order is chronological.Influencer Marketing Day

5 Takeaways From MES 2016’s Influencer Marketing Experts
October 3, 2016 by Krista Webster

What Erica Ehm, Gunnarolla and others taught CMOs last month: If Eve of Adam & Eve fame existed, she would have been considered the first influential PR Maven. If she lived today, she would likely have her own reality show.

27 Influencer Marketing Resources You Can Actually Trust
October 3, 2016 by Brittany Berger

The internet is a big ole place with tons of information. Some of it’s great, some of it…not so much. One of the cool things about online marketing methods like influencer marketing is that they’re easy to learn for free, on your own time, with resources you find online. But one of the bad things about it is that you don’t always know which resources you can trust.

How to Identify Social Media Influencers For Your SEO Campaign
October 3, 2016 by Jayson DeMers

Before you can start reaping the benefits of connecting with social media masters, you need to know where and how to find them. Let’s dig in.

Ann Smarty on Influencer Marketing Myths, Mistakes, and Opportunities 
October 4, 2016 by Geno Prussakov

Influencer Marketing Days’ Geno Prussakov interviews Ann Smarty, discussing micro-celebrities, influencer marketing obstacles, opportunities, and ideas to implement in 2017.

5 Deadly Myths About Influencer Marketing
October 4, 2016 by Victor Ricci

Most app developers get influencer marketing wrong. They waste a huge amount of time and money working with influencers. Why? Their decisions were based on myths and misconceptions.

The Elements of Great Influencer Marketing Campaigns
October 4, 2016 by Brian Hughes

In recent years influential marketing has undergone both expansion and democratization. More name brand companies are turning to influencers to create more authentic storytelling. In effect, this has become the digital version of word of mouth advertising and businesses large and small are cashing in.

Why Influencer Marketing is a Sellers’ Market
October 5, 2016 by Ross Fadner

Why is influencer marketing a sellers’ market? Speaking on the “Finding the Right KPIs for Influencer Campaigns” panel at OMMA Social last week, Holden Berlin, SVP Program Marketing & Development, DEFY Media noted that influencers will quickly walk away if they don’t like the terms of a deal, or if a brand proves to be controlling, as they are approached by marketers to do content integrations all the time.

Influencer Marketing Makes Movements: Body Positive and Confident
October 5, 2016 by Georgina Rutherford

Social media is a powerful tool. It gives everyone a voice and has shaped our culture to be one in which we have never known so much about each other’s lives. However, many people argue that the image-saturated way of living it encourages has negative effects on the way we see ourselves.


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