questionLet’s play a game, whereby the Influencer Marketing Days blog would open up to ideas on what makes up the most important characteristics of valuable influencers.

There are no wrong answers here.

Just share what you believe to an important characteristic,why you think so, and we will all learn from it.

I’ll begin…

When evaluating influencers to work with, I think that one of the key characteristics to consider is engagement.

I believe that engagement in this context is two-fold (with the latter part flowing out of the former): (i) the degree to which the influencer is involved with his/her audience, and (ii) the involvement of the audience with the influencer’s efforts (be it content production or anything else).

Someone once said that “people won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” (italics mine). This rule applies to influencer marketing on many levels, but most importantly, it speaks to the question at hand. If the influencer sincerely cares about her audience, the audience, in turn, will pay closer attention what the influencer has to say.

It’s akin to selling solutions to problems versus products. When you come across as primarily focused on helping solve your audience’s problems (as opposed to selling your merchandise or service), they pay better attention.

What do you believe to be the most important characteristic of an influencer? Please submit your thought(s) using the “Comments” area below.

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