Press Room
November 16, 2017
By Megan Irvin
Five Things I Learned at Influencer Marketing Days 2017
The rise in social media has created a new category of targets for public relations practitioners – the social influencer, or influencer for short. These are the folks who have established an online presence with a loyal following, and what they buy or eat or travel to can exert a great deal of, well, influence on particular brands. View the entire article.
October 18, 2017
By Annie Pilon
The Importance of Disclosure in Influencer Marketing
Disclosing an influencer-brand relationship in blog posts, social media posts or other types of content isn’t just a good idea — it’s an actual requirement. Small Business Trends caught up with Rachel Honoway, CEO of Performance Marketing Association at the recent Influencer Marketing Days conference in New York City’s Times Square. View the entire article.
October 18, 2017
By Annie Pilon
The Challenge of Measuring Influencer Marketing Results
Brands aren’t always sure how to measure results from influencer marketing campaigns. But there’s an easy way to rectify that problem — consider your brand’s goals before actually launching a campaign. View the entire article.
October 16, 2017
By Annie Pilon
The Power of Testimonial Videos for Amazon Product Pages
If you’re not including testimonial videos on your ecommerce product pages, especially on Amazon, you could be missing out on a lot of sales. Small Business Trends caught up with Frank Morelli of Gen Video at the recent Influencer Marketing Days conference in New York City’s Times Square. View the entire article.
October 6, 2017
By Angela Brooks and Matthew Raven
Influencer Marketing Days: Doing More with Less
Earlier this week, we had the opportunity to present alongside other industry thought leaders at Influencer Marketing Days in New York City. Our session aimed to help attendees win in search by providing actionable steps to reposition their current influencer campaigns to build sustainable search equity and organic traffic growth. View the entire article.
October 6, 2017
By Kim Cashwell
Influencer Marketing Days 2017 Recap
I had the opportunity to attend Influencer Marketing Days 2017 in New York last week. IMD is a 2-day conference providing speakers from around the world providing the latest trends, data and insights into influencer marketing today. View the entire article.
September 21, 2017
By Ginger Conlon
Strategies for Brands to Find the Best Influencers: In Conversation with Gil Eyal
Ahead of the upcoming Influencer Marketing Days Event, we sat down with Gil Eyal, CEO at HYPR for an exclusive on his session at the event. He gives insights on how brands should focus on utilizing local or micro influencers, add a human element to videos and use technology optimally. View the entire article.
September 13, 2017
By Ginger Conlon
Opportunities for Brands to Drive Measurable Results: In Discussion with Todd Crawford
Ahead of the upcoming Influencer Marketing Days Event, we sat down with Todd Crawford for an exclusive on his session at the event. Todd shares his views on how influencers and brands could leverage available data to achieve measurable results. View the entire article.
September 12, 2017
By The Motherhood
The Motherhood is Headed to Influencer Marketing Days
On September 26, industry pioneer and The Motherhood’s fearless leader, CEO Cooper Munroe, is off to this year’s Influencer Marketing Days Conference to share her insights on the advantages of working with micro-influencers, and what to expect by incorporating them into marketing strategy and planning. View the entire article.
September 12, 2017
By Zac Johnson
40 Digital Marketing Influencers You Need to Follow Right Now
When you think of the word “influence“, what do you think of? In the world of entrepreneurship and business, you probably think of names like Tony Robbins, Steve Jobs, and Mark Cuban. However, influencers are all over the place, and especially in smaller niche markets — many of which you like never even heard of. View the entire article.
September 6, 2017
By Annie Pilon
B2B Influencer Marketing: Trends, Goals and Budgets to Set
Influencer marketing has made a huge impact on a lot of B2C businesses. But B2B businesses shouldn’t feel left out. The strategy has a lot of applications for businesses that offer products or services to other businesses as well, though it might look a bit different. View the entire article.
August 2017
By Zac Johnson
3 Internet Marketing Conferences In New York City You Should Attend
If you want to find success in the world of online marketing and business, you need to get out there and network your butt off. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through the use of networking events and attending smaller gatherings and big conferences in your area. View the entire article.
July 18, 2017
By Tricia Meyer
Upcoming 2nd Annual Influencer Marketing Days Conference
The Performance Marketing Association is pleased to be partnering with Influencer Marketing Days, to be held in New York City on September 25-26, 2017. Through a special promotion, PMA members can get a 20% discount code. View the entire article.
July 11, 2017
By Rising Media, Inc.
Influencer Marketing Days to Incorporate Actionable Content for Influencers and Influencer Marketers for Its 2nd Annual Conference; September 25-26, 2017
Rising Media, Inc. and Geno Prussakov revealed details about the upcoming Influencer Marketing Days conference taking place at the TKP Conference Center in the heart of New York City on September 25-26, 2017. View the entire article.
December 7, 2016
By Chris Tradgett
Identifying Your Influencers
Publisher Discovery Co-Founder, Chris Tradgett spoke at the inaugural InfluencerMarketingDays conference in New York, November 2016 on knowing your influencers in particular within specific niches. View the entire article.
November 22, 2016
By Alison Chew
What you Missed at Influencer Marketing Days
While the concept of influencer marketing isn’t new, it’s footprint in the land of digital marketing has grown leaps and bounds in the past few years – so much so that there’s now an actual conference around it. View the entire article.
November 17, 2016
By Rising Media, Inc
Storify Recap: Influencer Marketing Days 2016
This week. I had the privilege to attend and speak at the first conference focused on influencer marketing, Influencer Marketing Days Having an early appreciation for this growing channel, I looked forward to honing my skills and sharing my knowledge. View the entire article.
November 17, 2016
By Robbins Interactive
Key Takeaways From Influencer Marketing Days Conference
This week. I had the privilege to attend and speak at the first conference focused on influencer marketing, Influencer Marketing Days Having an early appreciation for this growing channel, I looked forward to honing my skills and sharing my knowledge. View the entire article.
November 10, 2016
By Rachel Honoway
Influencer Marketing Days Preview
Next week, I’ll be speaking at an Influencer Marketing Days, a two-day event dedicated to Influencer Marketing strategies for advertisers and agencies. Though I’m speaking, I’m planning on learning quite a bit at this event. View the entire article.
November 10, 2016
Influencer Marketing Days Speaker Barbara Rozgonyi Presents 3D Marketing Strategy
Influencer marketing isn’t brand new, but it is trendy – and tricky. At Influencer Marketing Days in New York City, digital transformation speaker Barbara Rozgonyi, will teach attendees how to design and build a successful WIRED PR in 3D #InfluencerMarketing strategy. View the entire article.
November 9, 2016
By Heidi Sullivan & Julianna Vorhaus
How to Use Micro-Influencers to Build Big Engagement (Podcast)
Barbara Rozgonyi, CEO at CoryWest Media, joins the Influence Pros Podcast to discuss merging a speaking career with being an influencer, relationship building, and the importance of local communities. Listen to the Podcast.
November 7, 2016
By Zac Johnson
23 Influencer Marketing Days Speakers and Entrepreneurs to Follow
Being an influencer is all about knowing what you are good at and sharing it with the rest of the world. It’s not just about the marketing, branding or even the business generated from it, instead, it’s actually a combination of everything. View the entire article.
October 19, 2016
By: Rising Media, Inc.
Rising Media, Inc. and Geno Prussakov Launch Influencer Marketing Days Conference for Marketing, Public Relations Professionals
Rising Media, Inc. and Geno Prussakov announced the launch of a new conference series, Influencer Marketing Days, which focuses on all aspects of influencer marketing and aims to educate, equip, and inspire marketing professionals to leverage influencer marketing effectively. View the entire article.

Sep 28, 2016
By: Krystyna Lijek
Rakuten Marketing is speaking at the inaugural Influencer Marketing Days!
As the topic of influencer marketing continues to grow within the marketing industry we are thrilled to be a part of the conversation! Or, like we like to say, what’s old is new again, our twenty year history in affiliate marketing makes us an expert in native and influencer marketing, regardless of what you want to call it! View the entire article.

Sep 2, 2016
By: Paul Chaney
Huge New Influencer Marketing Event Coming Nov. 14 -15: Is This a Trend You Should Explore?
“Influencer Marketing has been on the notable rise for the past few months,” said conference organizer Geno Prussakov in an email to Small Business Trends. “In fact, in 2015 Google classified the key phrase ‘influencer marketing’ as a ‘Breakout’ term — one experiencing search growth greater than 5,000 percent.” View the entire article.

Aug 23, 2016
By: Chris Tradgett
Identifying your Influencers
The conference is shaping up to be a pretty exciting addition to the calendar with a focus on Influencers. These are not new people in your online space but over the last couple of years the term has been adopted by the wider marketing community to cover a variety of ‘entities’. View the entire article.

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